***Sim Log Narrative, SD 201910.18***



The Penumbra was at a dead stop not far from the gas giant's ring system where Aslans and Kyrathians continued to fight it out. The ship's systems had mysteriously shut down and displayed an Omega symbol before finally the Captain and Patterson overrode the lockout and things returned to a semblance of normal.

Only the Captain had summoned the Senior Officers holding a Lt. Cmdr. rank (or higher) to the Observation Lounge, with a special invitation extended to Ens. Denovan Hawke for some reason.

This left LtJG Tabeshk Tibris in command on the Bridge, with LtJG Lea Kalawai'a slumped, exhausted from the Away Mission, at the Engineering station and MGny Derek Hines manning the Tactical console.

Tabeshk, while in command, was reveling in his newly rebuilt and restored Operations Console, muttering to himself, "Heh-heh, new console, heh, happy Tabby, happy, happy Tabby." He stroked the edges of the console lovingly.

MAX's "face", poorly refined such that it was, was displayed in a window on the Operations Console. He said to Tabeshk, "Significant levels of surge protection as well, I've determined."

Suddenly, the Captain emerged from his Ready Room and stepped out onto the Bridge. He spoke, "Tabby, you have the Bridge, hold position and stand by." He smirked as he saw the half-Klingon stroking his console. "Got it working, then?"

Tabeshk grinned at him, "Yeah, got it fixed."

"Glad to hear it," he said. "As I said, you have the Bridge." He moved towards the door to the Observation Lounge and stepped through.

Tabeshk continued hugging and stroking his new console and Lea called, "You ... okay there, Tabby?"

He barely looked up as he answered, "Yeah, I'm fine, just really missed my console."

Hines, standing at the Tactical console, muttered, "Tabby, you're a strange one, that's for certain ...."

Lea shrugged, "Could be worse."


A few minutes later, Hines asked, "How's the ship's power levels?"

Tabeshk answered, "Okay, power's fine, but sensor data is FUBAR."

Hines raised an eyebrow, "Might be due to that glitch we had."

Tabeshk turned to look at Hines, his expression giving that "are you kidding me" look. "Then ... fix it ... please."

Hines tapped his chest. "Me? I'm a Marine, not an engineer."

Tabeshk rolled his eyes, "Then get somebody. I kinda can't leave my post, so ...," he trailed off.

Lea waved, "I'm an engineer. What's the issue?"

Hines responded, "Um, Lea, there's an obvious obstruction in the sensor data regarding the outer orbit of the system. Ironically, the same coordinates that Helm has been programmed for."

Tabeshk added, " Well I'm not sure it's just the sensors ... they're blank."

Lea said, "Right," and crossed the Bridge to Tabeshk's station to take a look at his console. She asked, "Is it just your console, or all of them?"

Tabeshk answered, "I'm not sure. My console shouldn't be having issues, it's brand new."

Hines responded, "I can't get any sensor data on Tactical either in that area."

Lea said, "Right, so, it's a software issue, not my department." She tapped her commbadge, "T'Lin? We've got a blind spot in the sensors, can you run a verification check on the sensor array?"

T'Lin's voice came back, "I do not have the correct console down here. I would suggest going to Tabeshk, he is the Operations head."

Lea sighed, "Right." She turned to Hines, "Hines, run a diagnostic on the sensor array. Uh ... please. I forgot the please the first time ... didn't mean to be rude."

Hines replied, "I just did. There's nothing showing any signs of damage or loss of functionality. I can't find any inclination that there's something wrong with the sensors."

Tabeshk added, "There's clearly something wrong, though." He ran through his systems again then said, "All I know is something's wrong but I can't exactly do anything. We'll need Bevin but she's busy."

Hines asked, "Tabby, have you tried to access the sensor data for that section?"

Tabeshk answered, "I can try. Computer, display information on the ... uh ... sensors."

The computer responded, "Voice and code verification required to access sensor data in requested zone."

Hines raised an eyebrow. "Voice and code? A lockout?"

Tabeshk rolled his eyes, "Lovely."

Lea said, "I can fake the code, but not the voice."

Hines tried, "Computer, recognize Master Gunnery Sergeant Derek Hines, code Hines 4 9 1 7. Display sensor data." He was the most senior rated non-commissioned officer on the ship and had a high level of security clearance.

But the computer responded, "Voice and code of insufficient clearance level."

Tabeshk did a facepalm as Hines muttered, "Well, that's not good."

Tabeshk said, "Nothing I can do about that clearance level crud."

Lea sighed, "Let me see."

But before she could do anything the Captain, Patterson, Relok, and Carter emerged from the Observation Lounge, stern expressions on their faces. Lea quickly snapped to attention, pretending nothing had happened.

Patterson took his seat in the XO's chair, Relok sat at the Primary Science Station, and Carter sat at Helm, his hands flying over the console setting a new course. The Captain walked with Relok to the science station and said, "Mr. Relok, focus sensors on our target." His fingers moved across the console as he manually typed in a password which cleared the "glitch".

And without another word, the ship turned and started moving on their new course.



LtJG T'Lin was alone in the Astrometrics Lab studying the files she had downloaded from the Collection Station. As the data flashed and scrolled across her screen, she took notes in her usual anachronistic method of pencil on paper.

When Lea called from the Bridge asking, "T'Lin? We've got a blind spot in the sensors, can you run a verification check on the sensor array?"

T'Lin answered, "I do not have the correct console down here. I would suggest going to Tabeshk, he is the Operations head."

Lea sighed, "Right," and closed the commlink. T'Lin returned to her study.

Some time later, T'Lin noticed a recurring symbol, one she recognized. She exclaimed, "Yes!" But before she could pursue it any further, suddenly MAX's holographic form, a rough approximation of a humanoid figure, appeared in Astrometrics and said, "Lieutenant, I have to ask you to sign out and leave the lab."

The sudden appearance and voice startled T'Lin and she jumped then scowled, "Excuse me?"


Observation Lounge:

The most senior officers aboard the Penumbra were gathered in the Observation Lounge: Lt. Col. Travis Patterson, and Lt. Cmdrs. Relok, Bevin MacArdry, Jason Carter, and Dr. Shadow K'Trevala. There was one junior officer present, Ens. Denovan Hawke, spinning in his chair at one end of the long table.

Patterson was pacing, Bevin was grousing quietly at having been interrupted in her work to attend a meeting, and Relok glanced around and asked, "Um, Colonel ... is the Captain coming?"

But before he could answer, the Captain strode in from the Bridge and Patterson barked, "MAX, seal the Lounge, security Level 10."

MAX acknowledged the order and the Captain glanced around the room before stepping to a monitor and accessing a computer file. He turned to address the gathered officers. "What you are about to hear does not leave this room without my explicit, personal, clearance. Understood?"

Each person at the table acknowledged with either a nod or a specific voiced affirmation. Then Carter asked, "What mess have we gotten ourselves into this time, sir?"

Patterson grumbled, "Something beyond even my detailed understanding, Carter."

Carter raised both eyebrows and let out a gentle whistle, leaning back in his chair, "Bad ... got it."

The Captain continued, "We are under the Omega Directive. This is ordinarily a Top-Secret Level 10 Clearance order that even supersedes the Prime Directive. This is why." He began to open the file to show the details but the computer prompted, "Voice and code verification required."

Relok mused, " Wait ... it supersedes ... the Prime Directive?"

Shadow glanced at him, "Apparently, my brother."

The Captain spoke his activation code, "Captain Zachary Alexander Taylor, voice identification Omega Three Nine Six Two Activate." The computer accepted the code and opened the file.

MAX began speaking, as the voice of the computer describing the data file, "Ship sensors have detected the Omega Molecule within sensor range, for 0.00184 seconds, emanating from the last planet in this system."

Suddenly Ens. Hawke interrupted, "Oh, crap! I forgot!" He jumped up and moved to a nearby bulkhead compartment to grab a PADD then returned to his seat, taking notes.

MAX continued, " Under normal circumstances, the Omega Directive would be enacted, and Starfleet Command would be contacted to deploy a vessel from Intelligence specifically trained to handle the Omega Particle. However, it would take months for a Starfleet Intelligence Omega Team to arrive, if not longer, so ... we are on our own."

The Captain said, "Thank you, MAX. So, you see why I've called you all into this meeting. Congratulations, you're our Omega Team."

Relok blinked, raising an eyebrow, "We? Are our Omega Team? But ... what does an Omega Team do?"


It was Patterson who answered, being a former Starfleet Intelligence operative, "What information I do know directly identifies Omega as a threat to the entire Federation that supercedes the Borg AND the Dominion tenfold ... 'Destroy at all costs.'"

The Captain nodded, "Bottom line, Relok, the Omega Team is tasked with destroying the Omega Particle and collecting and clearing all knowledge of it."

Bevin raised her hand and waited for the Captain to acknowledge her before asking in her Scottish Brogue, "Dae ye hae inny aideea haw tae dae tha? Daistrawy ait?"

The Captain blushed slightly, "Um, well, honestly ... I'm not an official Omega Team member either, so .... No, I don't know how to do it."

Relok, normally trying to keep a calm, emotionless logic, failed at trying to suppress an eye roll.

Shadow asked, "Is there some way to get an encrypted message to one of the teams and ask them for further directions without them coming out themselves due to the distance?"

Patterson shook his head, "Even if we could, it may take days for a response, if not longer."

The Captain added, "Yeah, we'll send a message, but ... we're so far from the Alpha Quadrant, it may take hours or even days to get there, then wait for a response ... especially since we can't use Aslan relay stations with this level of secrecy."

Shadow nodded, "Understood. But, they may, even then with the time differential, be able to offer some suggestions."

Then Relok asked, "Captain, have we confirmed this Omega Particle? Where is it? And why is it so dangerous?"

The Captain answered, " Well ... we detected evidence of a possible Particle. We need to confirm it, that's our next step. As to why it's so dangerous ...," he trailed off.

Patterson turned from where he still stood and approached the replicator. "Dalmore whiskey, chilled," he ordered. The others in the room never remarked or made any comment as he downed the shot even though they were all on duty.

The Captain continued, "An explosion of the highly unstable Particle, even just a few molecules, damages subspace. It makes it so that you can't form a warp field or even subspace communication in the damaged area. Oh, and it's permanent ... as in ... forever isolating that region of space from all space travel and FTL communication."

Carter murmured, "No subspace means no warp drive, no subspace communications, nothing ... that would mean pre-warp civilization ... permanently ...," he trailed off as Bevin gave a low whistle and the others slowly absorbed the implications.

Relok's usually stoic demeanor broke and his lower jaw dropped, "Permanent subspace damage? From just a few ... molecules?"

The Captain's face was pale as he said, "So. You all understand the situation, and know almost as much as I do now. So, we go to where we detected the stuff and check to see if it's really there. Then ... we figure out how to destroy it. Oh, and don't mention this to anybody ... ever."

Shadow smiled, "Mention ... what?"

Ens. Hawke finally said something, "Yes, Particle 010."

Patterson glanced at the Ensign among the Commanders. He asked, "Anything you wanna share, Ensign?"


Finally the reason for Hawke's inclusion in the meeting of senior officers was revealed. "You are aware of what I once was." He was once a Borg drone, recently liberated from the Collective. "We know about ... they ... know about Omega. I also know that Voyager found another." He held up a finger to stave off the Captain's unspoken question as he continued, "Because of Unimatrix Zero. It was destroyed because the single molecule was too dangerous. That and the calculations didn't work to stabilize it."

Relok remarked, "The Borg know about Omega? That can't be good either!"

"Well," the Captain replied, "the good news is that Omega is exceedingly rare, and so unstable that a particle usually only lasts a fraction of a nanosecond before destabilizing on its own."

Patterson added, "What we need to do is make certain they can't synthesize, and prevent any sort of violent fission... correct?"

Relok said, "Colonel, let's try to use some logic here. First, we must find it, second verify it is Omega, and then we can figure out what to do with it."

The Captain nodded, "So, let's try to contain this thing. Let's get out there and handle it, shall we?"

The Captain responded, "Right, Relok, so ... let's go find it. Sensors showed the outermost planet was where it was detected ... and the Omega Directive is probably distorting our own sensors in that region to keep it hidden until we've acted, so ... let's go find it. Briefing concluded. Remember, nothing about Omega leaves this room."

They all began standing and preparing to leave but before they could Hawke asked, "I am sorry, Captain, but could you be a bit more specific? I know what the Borg know about Omega, but not Starfleet's Directive."

The Captain stepped over to Hawke, "Ensign, the Directive is Top Secret, and the less you know about it, the better. What you need to do is provide me ... and only me ... everything you know about Omega, and help us find a way to destroy it."

Hawke replied, "I see. I can do that, sir. I'll need use of one of the science labs."

Patterson glanced around the room and the officers standing and milling about the Lounge. The doors wouldn't open since they'd been sealed. Patterson called, "MAX, unseal the door. Hawke, Astrometrics Lab B."

Hawke replied, "That will work, thank you Colonel. I will make sure that it is sealed and all data is encrypted." He nodded to the Captain as the doors slid open.

Hawke, Bevin, and Shadow headed out into the corridor to a turbolift. Hawke headed for Astrometrics on Deck 11, Shadow headed back to Sickbay on Deck 5, and Bevin back to Main Engineering on Deck 8.

The Captain, Patterson, Relok, and Carter headed out the other door to the Bridge. As they did, the Captain spoke to his Helmsman, "Mr. Carter, you have our destination. Set course and head out."


USS Sojourner at Janidor:

Lt. Cmdr. Dean Spearhorse was in Sickbay aboard the USS Sojourner in orbit above the planet Janidor. He mumbled to the doctor that was scanning him, "I don't know what this is ... maybe it is something I ate." He had flu-like symptoms: fever, nausea, fatigue, and muscle aches. Sweat poured from his brow.

He tapped his commbadge, "Captain, this is Spearhorse. Sir, if you need me in a pinch, I will report to the Bridge, but ... I must report myself unfit for duty. I'll be on sick call."

The doctor studied the biobed readings with a stern expression. His patient was probably suffering liver damage, most likely due to excessive binge drinking, not to mention high stress. And he was probably going through detox as his body had grown accustomed to the alcohol but Dean had recently "cut back".

The doctor was familiar with Dean's situation since he'd seen him more than once either stumbling drunk or suffering a horrendous hangover. He knew that Captain Jackson had disciplined the Lt. Cmdr. more than once. Dean had even been sent to the brig a time or two.

Dean entered a bout of trembling and curled into a fetal position on the biobed. The doctor drew some blood to do more detailed tests to check liver function and turned and walked away, tsk-ing to himself.


In Attendance:

Capt. Z. Taylor, LtCol. T. Patterson, LtCmdr. Relok, LtCmdr. MacArdry, Dr. K'Trevala, LtCmdr. Dean Spearhorse, LtCmdr. J. Carter, Lt. (JG) T'Lin, Lt. (JG) Tabeshk Tibris, Lt. (JG) Kalawai'a, Ens. Denovan Hawke, Ens. Arrin, MGySgt Hines

(Ens. Arrin is a new character introduced by the player of LtJG Kalawai'a.)



MAX (played by Hines)

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